September 25, 2012

My Pitch For Obama

Hello everybody, as you may all know this November is your time to express yourself. This November is the time to decide. And this November is the time for you to become aware. Yes, these statements may seem broad. What does he mean? Is he speaking about the elections? Or What?

Exactly, now I got you thinking. Well, yes of course, this November is about the General elections. I’m sure you know about what this means. If you’re a Republican or Democrat or Independent, what options do we have? Let me be clearer, what Presidential nominees do we believe are the right ones. Now think for a moment. Let’s be honest, we do not have the greatest two available candidates right now.

Let me explain why. On one hand you have Mitt Romney. Yes Mr. Mitt “Gaffe” Romney. A quick Google search of Mitt Romney’s slip ups and you can find material for weeks. An overview of a few gaffes consist of the time when he call corporations people, or when he said, as a young boy he dreamed of being wealthy and famous and this would bring him happiness, then he ended the statement by saying, “and boy was I right.” And last but not least, how about when he singled out 47% of the population as being dependent and lazy. Either this is actually what Romney thinks or he just fumbles and fumbles time and time again. I will go along the lines to say yes this is what he thinks. He is very candid and doesn’t hold back, standing by his statements. However, there are the times when he flip-flops on his statements. Overall, he is not so great.

But then when we have the lesser of the two evils. The incumbent. The President of the United States. Mr. Barrack Obama. This man can give a speech and boy are they good. But does he deliver. It can be debated as to what he has delivered on, but his promises in the 2008 elections were so sky high that he himself said that the American people need not to expect so much and should lower their expectations. Furthermore, he promised to close down Gitmo, that didn’t happen. He promised to end the ridiculous war on drugs, which is costing tax payers and filling up the jails with non-violent criminals, but that hasn’t happen. In particular, his justice department has raided more dispensaries than the Bush administration. President Obama also passed the NDDA which allows for indefinite detention of United States’ citizens. This list goes on and on for this guy too

With the Romney-Ryan plan many Americans could get screwed and college students will suffer. For example, the Romney-Ryan plan plans to cut many social programs and cut grants to students. Also the biggest thing students should worry about is that Romney plans to send student loans back to the bank, this could turn into higher interests and more fees. Furthermore, cuts in education are also called for in the Romney-Ryan Budget.

However, let it be known that with Barrack Obama, the middle class has a likely chance to grow and the poor would benefit with Obama. Obama plans to cut taxes for the middle class, keep Pell grants and have the federal government make out the loans. Moreover, with Obama there have been a number of jobs being created after the nasty recession of 2008. Many critics would say it is not enough. I say that he got handed a house with a broken kitchen, no clean water and grime all over the place, let the guy have four more years to at least do some more cleaning.


  1. Hi! I'm Minori, and I'm in DTC 355. Your blog is very informative that I learned a lot about them! But, this blog assignment needs to find 4 - 6 multimodal texts being used to convince people to vote in a particular way on your topic. Still, good job on your blog post! I like it!

  2. Seeing as how you chose a title of "My Pitch for Obama", It's pretty clear what audience you are targeting and what you are trying to accomplish with the context of your pitch. Reading further into your pitch, there is talk of choosing "the lesser of two evils", which is pretty much how every presidential election goes. By taking this tactic, you are appealing to people who are on the fence about this election, hesitant about voting, or not going to vote at all.

    There are no texts linked to the blog.

    No texts to compare.

  3. This is an interesting pitch for Obama. That being said you make a very solid argument. Focus a little bit more on the strategies they both use for the campaign! There are tons of ads and texts available!

  4. It’s hard to understand the “point” of what you’re trying to accomplish with your project. Right now, I am looking at this post and the next one you have set up. I’m assuming in your other post those are the links of the things you will be discussing with your project? Alright, well assuming that it is, I am noticing that a lot of them are memes circulating on the internet. For this reason I would consider analyzing the author as the most important aspect of these pieces. Why? Because memes are made by just about anyone, not just those who have political agendas of trying to get elected. What do those memes signify about the author and what purpose are they trying to convey?

    I would also look at the emphasis these memes are portraying. Clearly they have a defined purpose, but what’s the emphasis on? I usually notice with Memes a predominate feature is usually on the text accompanied by the image. They might not be professionally set up, but if they’re funny they get around.

    I also noticed that one of the links you provided wasn’t a meme, but an ad on the Obama campaign’s website. What does this mean? I really don’t know how it fits in, but you can probably use it as a comparison to a “professional” arrangement of characteristics verses “unprofessional” ones? It’s an idea.

    Other then that, I wish you luck on your project!
